Thursday, April 2, 2009

Finally it stopped...


I mean, we need the rain, but it's nice to have a day off once in a while. Maybe Heavenly Father is rewarding us for having to deal with that terrible storm on Sunday

For those of you that don't know, there was a tornado warning for different parts of Berks County on Sunday, and boy was that storm terrible. I was at my sister's, and my mom called to tell us about the warning. Well, since they specifically mentioned Fleetwood, we took cover in the closet until the storm passed over us. The hail outside looked like snow, it was beautiful. Just an FYI, seeing hail fall into a pond may look pretty, but since hail is one part of possible tornados, I didn't want to watch it if I didn't have to.

On Monday, I attended a funeral service for my old visiting teacher's husband. He had alot of health problems over the the years, and was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. It was nice seeing old friends from my old ward. Even my grandmom went along, and she didn't know the person. But Diane is a distant relative, so my grandmother wanted to meet her. A few of the ladies in my old ward even commented how they love my grandmother.

My dog is the cutest thing in the world!

This is her at my house after it snowed in December. She's now almost 10 months old, and is growing up so fast. There are still accidents in the house, but not very often (usually when everyone is sleeping). She's a great companion, and makes my day go so nice, just to see her so happy when I come home from work is wonderful .

I've decided genealogy is one of the greatest things in the world. About 10 years ago, the Register of Wills in Berks County made a database of all their records and published it online. Now the Recorder of Deeds has taken it one step farther. They've added so many viewable deeds to their website. Like, the viewable ones. Since this is all a matter of public record, there's no worries of someone using the info for bad use. Right now they have all the deeds from the 1980s and now online, and a few from the 1750s and 1760s. They are slowly trying to add all the records. and it's awesome. I was able to look at a deed from 1762 that mentions 5 of my direct ancestors. What's awesome is that they lived in the same township I live in now.

With genealogy, I've been able to find so much information. It's nice to be able to discover things, especially with a backround in history. Yeah, it may be nice to know that one of your ancestors was kidnapped by Indians or another sewed gold into her dress to escape France with the money, but without knowing the history of the period, it's hard to understand sometimes what ancestors did what they did and why. The whole basis of the founding of Pennsylvania was for religious persecution. Without that in Europe, many of my family would never had needed to come to this country. Knowing some of the backround of my history helps me to want to be a better person, a person who can stand up for what they believe in and not question it, and to also understand that to get far in life, sacrifices must be made.